Follow me, and I’ll follow you: Let’s walk in circles together

Building a community one follow at a time

Zain Baquar
2 min readSep 18, 2022

It can be daunting putting yourself out there through the work, knowledge and perspective that you uniquely bring to the table, especially on a public forum. Trust me — I speak from experience as a somewhat introverted character.

I too have just started out on my journey, writing tutorials and guides on Data Science projects. I would love to write about more things, and seeing so many of you write about whatever is on your mind so eloquently, is truly inspiring.

With article topics having to be so specific, it can be difficult to find the audience that will continuously appreciate the time, effort and expertise being put into a single body of work.

This is where you come in, fellow philosopher.

Let us create a knowledge-based community of individuals who wish to learn from each other, and gather a collective of experts so that we may deepen the archive of total human knowledge.

Here, I propose an activity: Follow, clap and leave a comment on this post, describing what your expertise is and how we could all benefit from your superior knowledge. Convince us, and I’ll personally read your top post and follow you!

The chain of human intellect continues through you, you and yes, even YOU!

Edit: Please include why we should follow you in your comments! The goal is to build a community of experts and encourage reading each others work. Follow for follow isn’t enough!



Zain Baquar

Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer || Gamer & Chess Enthusiast ||